Thank you very much for adding TE28F160. I have such a problem that in the case of ATMEGA88PU reading, choosing "ATMEGA88 #ISP" a message is displayed:
021: The currently selected:ATMEGA88 #ISP, capacity: 64Kbits, 8Kbytes.
022: EEPROMArea size: 4096 bitsŁ¬512 bytesŁ¬the starting position in the buffer zoneŁş0x2000.
023: Chip configuration bits size: 128 bitŁ¬16 bytesŁ¬the starting position in the buffer zoneŁş0x2200.
025: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
026: -->Frequency auto adjust, rescanning ISP BUS...
027: The current chip ID: 0x1E930F, the selected model of operation has been terminated.
028: Programmer setup error.
What can you do about it?
besides, when I try to read the TE28F160S5 I still have a message with a poor connection 2 pins, the problem is on 4 different chips, ignore it, the reading is done correctly, but the verification is always wrong, should it be so?