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iFix 爱修网




查看: 1859|回复: 4


发表于: 2018-9-26 22:33:32
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Relocation Offset is: 1bf00000
[AT][MB][start ub][941]

U-Boot 2011.06-00000-g4bc336e-dirty (Apr 23 2018 - 17:22:39)

[NOS] UtopiaInit
1st UTOPIARegisterToUtopia is done[MBoot] Driver Register to UtopiaAC on
uboot held at [3c0ddf60~3e000000]
CPU  : Napoli
DRAM:  480 MiB
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 3d100000
[ eMMC_LoadTimingTable() ] eMMC Warn: ChkSum error, no Table
[ eMMC_LoadTimingTable() ] eMMC Err: load Tables fail, 8000001Bh
[ eMMC_FCIE_EnableFastMode() ] eMMC Warn: no Timing Table, 8000001Bh
eMMC Info: building HS200 table, please wait...

clk: 200MHz
  case3: wrapped: 4 8, 3FF1Fh 3FF1Fh
  1h 6h

  eMMC ATop Timing Table: Ver:3h Cnt:1 CurIdx:0
    Set:0: Clk: 0090h, Result: 0003FF1Fh, Reg2Ch: 01h, Skew4: 06h


eMMC: HS200 200MHz
eMMC 14.55 GB [1D1EFF8h]
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
original bootargs: console=ttyS0,115200 androidboot.console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram rw rootwait init=/init LX_MEM=0x11900000 EMAC_MEM=0x100000 DRAM_LEN=0x40000000 LX_MEM2=0x3FF00000,0x20000000 LX_MEM3=0xB1400000,0x2EA00000 CORE_DUMP_PATH=/data/Logs/Log.0/core_dump.%%p.gz KDebug=1 delaylogo=true BOOTLOGO_IN_MBOOT ENV_VAR_OFFSET=0x0 ENV_VAR_SIZE=0x10000 ENV=EMMC SECURITY=ON IsUseFactorCmdbBin=0 pname=S250F 3d=1 Channel=LETV system_update=0
getenv dtmb error
set default DTMB
new bootargs: console=ttyS0,115200 androidboot.console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram rw rootwait init=/init LX_MEM=0x11900000 EMAC_MEM=0x100000 DRAM_LEN=0x40000000 LX_MEM2=0x3FF00000,0x20000000 LX_MEM3=0xB1400000,0x2EA00000 CORE_DUMP_PATH=/data/Logs/Log.0/core_dump.%%p.gz KDebug=1 delaylogo=true BOOTLOGO_IN_MBOOT ENV_VAR_OFFSET=0x0 ENV_VAR_SIZE=0x10000 ENV=EMMC SECURITY=ON IsUseFactorCmdbBin=0 pname=S250F 3d=1 Channel=LETV system_update=0
Net:   No ethernet found.
Get MAC from ethaddr env
MAC:  0xc8: 0xe: 0x77: 0x72:0x6: 0x51
Erase emmc timing table OK!!!!
mmc change mount : factory1
Size of file "/device.ini" from mmc device 0 partition factory1: 88 bytes
Loading file "/device.ini" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition factory1
88 bytes read
mmc change mount : factory2
Size of file "/device.ini" from mmc device 0 partition factory2: 116 bytes
Loading file "/device.ini" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition factory2
116 bytes read
OnOffValue[0]: 1
InOutValue[0]: 1
OnOffValue[1]: 1
InOutValue[1]: 1
OnOffValue[2]: 1
InOutValue[2]: 1

read GPIO FLASH_WP reTryCnt : 0, reReadCnt : 0

Changelist:        00112233
============= set bootargs ===============
Unknown command 'if_51OnRam_set' - try 'help'
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
setCtvFacTestMode==bootargs =console=ttyS0,115200 androidboot.console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram rw rootwait init=/init LX_MEM=0x11900000 EMAC_MEM=0x100000 DRAM_LEN=0x40000000 LX_MEM2=0x3FF00000,0x20000000 LX_MEM3=0xB1400000,0x2EA00000 CORE_DUMP_PATH=/data/Logs/Log.0/core_dump.%%p.gz KDebug=1 delaylogo=true BOOTLOGO_IN_MBOOT ENV_VAR_OFFSET=0x0 ENV_VAR_SIZE=0x10000 ENV=EMMC SECURITY=ON IsUseFactorCmdbBin=0 pname=S250F 3d=1 Channel=LETV system_update=0
AC on
Writing to MMC(0)... done
Check USB port[0]:
Host type:2
scanning bus for devices...
[USB] interface[0] conf:1 value 9:
Wait for hub reset....
checking hub ports...
checking hub ports...
1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
Check USB port[1]:
Host type:2
scanning bus for devices... qHD Status => Halted (Stall/Babble/Error Counter=0)...0x48
Error, bad or unsupported device...
Check USB port[2]:
Host type:0
scanning bus for devices...
[USB] interface[0] conf:1 value 1:
1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
FAIL : can not init usb!!
Check USB port[0]:
Host type:2
scanning bus for devices...
[USB] interface[0] conf:1 value 9:
Wait for hub reset....
checking hub ports...
checking hub ports...
1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
Check USB port[1]:
Host type:2
scanning bus for devices... qHD Status => Halted (Stall/Babble/Error Counter=0)...0x48
Error, bad or unsupported device...
Check USB port[2]:
Host type:0
scanning bus for devices...
[USB] interface[0] conf:1 value 1:
1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
FAIL : can not init usb!!
create instance at 3c1d7af0 with private size 184 bytes at 3c1d7b38
[ERROR] get_project_id:499: [york]get_project_id=0x0001  0x1
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = 1f200000
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = 1f000000
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][315]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1920, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=1080
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][317]u16HTotal=2200,u16VTotal=1130,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=2200,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=1130, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][361]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1920, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=1080
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][363]u16HTotal=2200,u16VTotal=1130,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=2200,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=1130, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 1555]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
Init PWM2[Utopia] T8 is not support[MBX Driver][001053]     [MDrv_MBX_SendMsg]Send Mail Failed! Result=9
[ERROR] MsDrv_PNL_BackLigth_On:804: FAIL Mailbox to PM, mbxResult = 0x9
** Bad Signature on 0:19: expected 0x5840, got 0x0000
ERRlease check the blk# or partiton name!
[ERROR] do_run_time_pm:213: do_run_time_pm: 'mmc read.p 0x401F0000 RTPM 0x10000' fails, at 213
create instance at 3c1d7bf8 with private size 16 bytes at 3c1d7c40

[GOP INFO] gop opencreate instance at 3c1d7c58 with private size 108 bytes at 3c1d7ca0

[IZZY] (_GOP_RegisterAllCBFunc)

jump_to_console start!!
<< MStar >>#


使用道具 举报

发表于: 2018-9-28 10:51:36
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于: 2018-9-30 22:09:59
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于: 2018-9-30 22:13:51
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按照厂家资料在待机状态下,遥控输入3 6 9 4加开机键可以打开关闭的总线。
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使用道具 举报

发表于: 2018-10-2 23:53:54
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使用道具 举报

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