故障现象:开机输入AV信号显示正常,连接WIFI失败(无法收到无线网络) 检修过程:首先考虑到WIFI模块是否坏,于是更换WIFI模块开机收索周围WIFI信号失败,这时怀疑是程序有问题,下载对应的软件升级 升级时的打印信息如下:升级失败,烧录MBOOT软件再次升级主程序,升级信息一样无法升级成功,更换EMMC升级MBOOT在升级主程序,也是不成功。于是更换主芯片升级主程序成功。WIFI连接也正常。(提示希望大家在维修该平台时遇到无法升级主程序的时候可参考该案例) BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram13" is skipped.
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram14" is skipped.
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
BUS_TYPE = (null)
Hotplug: device "ram15" is skipped.
command:/bin/busybox tar cf /tmp/factory.tar /tmp/factory, (line=593) [file=src/rtk_factory.cpp], ret(0)
BUS_TYPE = platform
BUS_TYPE = platform
BUS_TYPE = platform
[INSTALL INFO][src/rtk_factory.cpp][600] *****************
[INSTALL INFO][src/rtk_factory.cpp][103] header (512 bytes) 3584 (ustar )
[INSTALL INFO][src/rtk_factory.cpp][104] RTK
ret = 512
ret = 512
[INSTALL INFO][src/rtk_factor[ 5.165243] usb 1-2: device not accepting address 4, error -71
y.cpp][603] *****************
[INSTALL INFO][src/rtk_factory.cpp][619] save to current_pp = 0 seq_num = 1
100 |******************************| 4 KB
total_time:0 secands
command:rm /tmp/factory.tar, (line=644) [file=src/rtk_factory.cpp], ret(0)
[INSTALL INFO][src/rtk_common.cpp][393] remove factory lock success
[main:3322]: /sbin/factory save
[ 5.281239] usb 1-2: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci
[ 5.290170] #@# qtd_copy_status(232) QTD_CERR(token) 0x0 if (token & QTD_STS_HALT)
[ 5.503804] #@# qtd_copy_status(232) QTD_CERR(token) 0x0 if (token & QTD_STS_HALT)
[ 5.713232] usb 1-2: device not accepting address 5, error -71
[ 5.719231] ###status = -71 ##########
[ 5.723097] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2
[ 5.997236] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci
[main:3329]: [loader_m.c][main][3329]Do some prepare work
[ 6.133237] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 6.369234] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 6.477248] #@# usb_hcd_reset_endpoint(1888) hcd->driver->endpoint_reset (null)
[ 6.609237] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 3 using ohci
[ 6.745228] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 6.981230] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 7.089255] #@# usb_hcd_reset_endpoint(1888) hcd->driver->endpoint_reset (null)
[ 7.221239] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ohci
[ 7.633232] usb 3-2: device not accepting address 4, error -62
[ 7.639234] #@# usb_hcd_reset_endpoint(1888) hcd->driver->endpoint_reset (null)
[ 7.773235] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ohci
[main:3335]: [loader_m.c][main][3335]Done some prepare work
>>>>>> loader start! (Jun 21 2014:02:55:05, version=00.01.01)
[main:3377]: do ln -s /mmnt/sdcard/mmcblk1p1 /mmnt/udisk/ssdcard
[JH] checksignatue(), open(/dev/mtdblock/0) nand_boot_size(0xc00000) factory_size(0x400000)
no IMG_XXXX signature found
[ 8.185243] usb 3-2: device not accepting address 5, error -62
[ 8.191270] #@# usb_hcd_reset_endpoint(1888) hcd->driver->endpoint_reset (null)
[ 8.198955] ###status = -62 ##########
[ 8.202808] hub 3-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2