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Guide How To find Correct Firmware For T.v Borad

发表于: 2017-2-23 20:57:52
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How to select .bin file

1.If the directory name contains the model number of the panel, that's exactly what.

2.Else, first, check the panel spec: [LVDS Input Voltage(3.3V/5V/12V)], [LVDS channels(1ch/2ch)], [LVDS bandwidth(6bit/8bit)], [Resolution(pixel)], using like panelook.com.

3.Open 5key or 7key directory(select your own), Search directories that Resolution is matched.

4.Next, search LVDS interface is matched; the part of directory name, as regexp, has (SI|DO)(6|8)(L|T)? string.
SI: single; 1ch
DO: double; 2ch
6/8: 6bit or 8bit interface
L/T: (maybe) logic level; LVDS or TTL (; TTL is older interface, these panel is almost unavailable.)
*For example, LQ170M1LA4B is LVDS(2ch,6bit,3.3V), resolution is 1920x1200. So the directory name should contains DO6L and 1920x1200.

5.Then, select voltage, directory name contains 3V for 3.3V, 5V for 5V, 12V for 12V, and you should change jumper on the controller board, see documents.

6.Finally, you found more than one directory, check the model number in the directory name, compare to your panel, then select the one more similar to your panel.
*For example about LQ170M1LA4B, we found some directories in 7key. This panel is 17inch, for B170UW01V0 is maybe better choice.


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