I use the RT809H.
I made a copy of Toshiba TC58DVG3S0ETA00 from TV LG32LV3700 main EAX63557704. The TV was working ok. I made a copy for my future use.
Then I wrote the copy to itself (to the same TC58DVG3S0ETA00).
Then I put the TC58DVG3S0ETA00 back to the main board of the TV and TV did not start.
Here is the output of verification:
The pin detection value is 0x1F58F00799C0, Device library number is 0xF18F00799C0.
010: Chip pins contact is detected OK.
011: TotalPageNum: 0x40000, PageNumInBlock: 64, PageSize: 4224
012: Start verifying chip ......
013: 159 bytes verification is inconsistent.
014: exceed 1 bit / 512B Check for inconsistent pagesЈє0 pages
015: exceed 4 bit / 512B Check for inconsistent pagesЈє0 pages
016: exceed 24 bit / 512B Check for inconsistent pagesЈє0 pages
017:> ------------------------------------ OK ---------- ----------------------------- <
It seems that the RT809H can not work with bad blocks.
It can not copy data if an IC has bad blocks. Working with NAND bad blocks is a key function.
Also when I navigate on the message window the text in the window sometimes disappears.
There are many bugs in the translation as well
So I kindly reqest the software disigners to correct all the above as soon as possible. We need the RT809H very much.
The whole hudge Russian market is waiting for the new software upgrade.
Please hurry. Thanks.