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iFix 爱修网




楼主: yogesh


发表于: 2016-7-28 09:01:48
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我们中国的现在用RT809H   Nand 闪存芯片是拆除打开来读和写
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使用道具 举报

发表于: 2016-7-28 09:03:38
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Our Chinese RT809H Nand Flash memory chips are removed now open to read and write     OK
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于: 2016-9-24 13:41:14
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please  send me supported device list   of RT809H  programmer
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于: 2016-11-20 19:33:14
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001:  Programmer is not connected.
002:  The currently selected:S29AL008D70TFI02@TSOP48, capacity: 8Mbits, 1Mbytes.
003:  Adapter model£oRT-TSOP48-1, 0.5, 12*18, Pin to Pin
004:  Serial number:20161007122248-045821  ,PCB V1.60,Boot V1.00
005:  Download device programming algorithm......
006:  Algo update OK
007:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
008:  The pin detection value is 0xFFFFFFFFCDFF£&#172;Device library number is 0xFFFFFFFFCCFF&#161;£
009:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
010:  Ignore the chip ID to continue.
011:  Start reading chip......
012:  Read successful£&#172;Elapsed time£o0.188 seconds&#161;£
013:  Auto verifying...
014:  Verification successful£&#172;Elapsed time£o0.189 seconds&#161;£
015:  Buffer data checksum: 16bits_0xFA16 £&#172;32bits_0x08CCFA16 :
016:  Elapsed time: 0.388 seconds£&#172;average speed of 5405030 bytes/sec.
017:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
018:  The currently selected:S29AL008D70TFI01@TSOP48, capacity: 8Mbits, 1Mbytes.
019:  Adapter model£oRT-TSOP48-1, 0.5, 12*18, Pin to Pin
020:  Download device programming algorithm......
021:  Algo update OK
022:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
023:  The pin detection value is 0xFFFFFFFFCDFF£&#172;Device library number is 0xFFFFFFFFCCFF&#161;£
024:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
025:  Chip ID selected does not match the current ID, operation has been terminated.
026:  ID verification error.
027:  Point "read" will pop up "save" dialog box, "write" will pop up the "open" dialog box.
028:  The currently selected:NAND_AUTO
029:  Download device programming algorithm......
030:  Algo update OK
031:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
032:  The pin detection value is 0xFFFFFFFFDDFF£&#172;Device library number is 0xF18F00799C0&#161;£
033:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
034:  TotalPageNum: 0x100,PageNumInBlock: 64,PageSize: 2112
035:  NewMFR: 0x5A , ID: 0x5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A, 3.3V, CE:1, 16bit, Col: 2, Row: 2, TLC.
036:  PageSize:4096B, OobSize:64B, BlockSize:128KB, ChipSize:0MB.
037:  Recognition of the NAND parameters is special
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于: 2016-11-20 19:37:39
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the chip number  is S29AL016D70TFI02  BUT   RT809H  programmer  is not reading  please  my problem solve
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使用道具 举报

发表于: 2018-3-30 22:20:18
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使用道具 举报

发表于: 2019-4-7 19:07:09
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001:  Serial number:20181016110401-011135  ,PCB V1.80,Boot V1.00
002:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
003:  Using Mode-A to scan VGA port...
004:  Mode-A cannot identified the circuit board, change line sequence to Mode-D and continue to identifying...
005:  Mode-D cannot identified the circuit board, change line sequence to Mode-B and continue to identifying...
006:  Mode-B cannot identified the circuit board, change line sequence to Mode-C and continue to identifying...
007:  ISP line sequence modes A-B-C-D also cannot identified the circuit board or chip, you can have a look at the chip and then manually select.
008:  Scan SPI extension interface...
009:  Boot error, please check whether the EC chip is supplied voltage and ISP cable is connected properly or not. The ISP cable should not exceed 10cm in length.
010:  Chip is not recognized, please check whether the circuit board is powered on and ISP cable is connected properly or not. If all ok, it maybe the chip is damage.
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使用道具 举报

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