I have to program a AM29BL802CB. I bought RT-TSOP56_SSOP56 Simple Board V1.1, soldered new chip on it and connect the board to RT809H.
I select AM29BL802CB@SSOP56 from the list, but when I read or erase the flash, programmer tells me that chip ID is different. If I click on ignore, read operation (read and verify) is completed correctly (probably fake read data). Meanwhile during erase operation I get error.
This is the log:
004: The currently selected:AM29BL802CB@SSOP56, capacity: 8Mbits, 1Mbytes.
005: Adapter model£ºRT-SSOP56-1,0.8,16*23.7,or RT-TSOP56_SSOP56 Simple Board V1.1
006: USB : 4.80V
007: Serial number:20170610143212-049569 ,PCB V1.80,Boot V1.00
008: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
009: Download device programming algorithm......
010: Algo update OK
011: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
012: Chip pins contact is detected OK.
013: Ignore the chip ID to continue.
014: Start erasing chip, please be patient......
015: The currently selected:AM29BL802CB@SSOP56, capacity: 8Mbits, 1Mbytes.
016: Adapter model£ºRT-SSOP56-1,0.8,16*23.7,or RT-TSOP56_SSOP56 Simple Board V1.1
017: Erase successful£¬Elapsed time£º102.8 seconds¡£
018: Auto blank checking...
019: Chip is not blank, start position: 0x0.
020: Blank check failure£¬Elapsed time£º0.246 seconds¡£
021: Erase error£»
022: The currently selected:AM29BL802CB@SSOP56, capacity: 8Mbits, 1Mbytes.
023: Adapter model£ºRT-SSOP56-1,0.8,16*23.7,or RT-TSOP56_SSOP56 Simple Board V1.1
024: Download device programming algorithm......
025: Algo update OK
026: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
027: Chip pins contact is detected OK
028: Ignore the chip ID to continue.
029: Start reading chip......
020: Buffer data checksum: 16bits_0xA53E £¬32bits_0x0C37A53E :
021: Elapsed time: 0.233 seconds£¬average speed of 4500326 bytes/sec.
022: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
023: File has been saved.
024: Chip pins contact is detected OK.
025: Ignore the chip ID to continue.
026: Start verifying chip......
027: Chip verification OK, Elapsed time: 0.234 seconds, average speed of 4481094 bytes/sec.
028: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
Could you help me please?
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