[HDMI2 No Signal ]
[EventLog] MonitorHDMI() >> GPIO Hi to bHDMI_Loss & event =40000
[HDMI1 No Signal]
u32IOEventQueue = [0x80000] [0x40000] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0]
79 3 F 4 15 2 6 0 0 1 CC FE
[UART2] UART2_SendCommand() current time = 31
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=867250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 867250; SYS = 3...........
79 3 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ED FE u32IOEventQueue = [0x40000] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0]
79 3 F 4 14 2 6 0 0 1 CD FE
[UART2] UART2_SendCommand() current time = 92
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866750; SYS = 3...........
[EventLog] MApp_SetS79 3 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ED FE rcListFlag() >> GPIO Hi to bAV_Signal_Loss & event =20000
[AV No Signal]5
u32IOEventQueue = [0x20000] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0]
79 3 F 4 11 2 6 0 0 1 D0 FE
[UART2] UART2_SendCommand() current time = 23
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866250; SYS = 3...........
Set Video Standard:0x7 msAPI_Scaler_SetBlueScreen(en=0, c=0, t=200)
[EventLog] msAPI_S79 3 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ED FE caler_SetBlueScreen2() >> GPIO Hi to bTiming_Change2(Disable) & event =100000
[SetBlueScreen=0] --- 12
msAPI_Scaler_SetBlueScreen(en=0, c=0, t=200)
u32IOEventQueue = [0x100000] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0] [0x0]
79 3 F 4 16 6 6 0 0 1 C7 FE
[UART2] UART2_SendCommand() current time = 155
79 2 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 EC FE >>
79 2 11 1 32 0 0 0 0 1 B9 FE
[UART2] UART2_SendCommand() current time = 127
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=865750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 865750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=867250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 867250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=865750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 865750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=867250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 867250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866250; SYS = 3...........
fWaitforMSGBoxFading = 1
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=865750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 865750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=867250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 867250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=865750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 865750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=867250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 867250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866750; SYS = 3...........
79 1 14 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 E7 FE >>
79 1 14 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 E8 FE
[UART2] UART2_SendCommand() current time = 4
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=866250000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 866250; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=865750000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 865750; SYS = 3...........
[devTunerSetFreq]device/tuner/SILAB_2158_A20.c, 1612, m_OtherMode=4, u32Freq=867875000, CurrentStandard=4
ATV_SetTune freq = 867875; SYS = 3...........
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