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iFix 爱修网




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How to read from serial print detail on Panasonic?

发表于: 2020-8-15 17:24:59
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Hi All,

I start using the RT809H but I have dificulties with European models. Here I try to read from serial print (vga to HDMI) on a panasonic TX-P42C3E.
But it is not working even if I select others VGA lines sequences or serial speed rate
COM4, BaudRate:57600 bps, RXD: VGA->12,TXD: VGA->15, Printed by RT809H:

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Any idea how to read european models with the RT809H?
Many thanks for your help

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发表于: 2022-9-4 15:58:07
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YOUR baud rate is wrong.select 115200
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使用道具 举报

发表于: 2020-8-15 19:10:36
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First of all, the CRT software should be set, and the motherboard serial port position and line sequence should be set correctly.
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 楼主| 发表于: 2020-8-15 22:26:02
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Many thanks for your reply. As I am a newbies: do you have details on how to set CRT software?
Best Regards
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